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64 Point evaluation.

Every great journey

begins with a single

Omar Gonzales

Toronto FC

US Men's National

Soccer Team

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Every Game Ready Performance athlete, from the most accomplished pro to the most determined 6th grader, starts off with our comprehensive evaluation. 


Covering 64 data points - or more, depending on your sport, age, and level - your eval creates a highly detailed, multi-dimensional portrait of your current athletic status.  Proficiencies. Deficiencies.  Risk factors. Advantages. 


We then run those results against a database of more than 1,000 athletes from youth to professional to produce a statistically significant training trajectory that defines the path between where you are now to where you want to go. 


It's different for everybody - and every body.

But it all starts at the same place. 

We'll be in touch soon to schedule your evaluation. Let the gains begin!

Game Ready Peformance Evaluation

Benefits of Game REady Performance TRAINING

That's not multiple choice.  That’s a straight up All of The Above

Because while these are indeed four distinct performance benefits, they're really just different expressions of the same fundamental Game Ready Performance transformation. 


The collective result of training that re-engineers your mechanics, reprograms your neural pathways, and recalibrates your aerobic thresholds.


Endurance means more than how long you can go. The Energizer Bunny kept going, but that puffball couldn't dominate a key or control a midfield to save his life. 


True, competitive endurance means the ability to go full throttle On DemandIt means training the body to operate in the ideal heart rate zone. And it means recovering efficiently, so you're ready to go again. And again. And Again.   

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You don’t have to choose between training for performance or training for injury prevention.  

At Game Ready Performance, they’re one and the same.


Our system has been proven to engage muscle groups, eliminate muscle imbalances, and transform biomechanics. 

All of which make you more competitive, and more likely to stay competitive. 

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Activate Explosive Speed? 


Why don't we just say, 

develop, or gain or

conjure out of thin air? 


We say activate because most athletes have the potential to reach higher sprint speeds already. 

 But without the proper activation of muscle groups and management of energy systems, that potential lies dormant. 


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From Strength to Greater Strength.


Building muscle is all well and good, but real power comes from properly utilizing the muscle you already have. 


Using proprietary exercises and specially designed equipment, we activate and engage the right muscles in the right ways to increase power generation and maximize output.  

Prove it

Four Cores


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A true pioneer in the use of wearable technology, Game Ready Performance uniquely understands how to collect, interpret, and apply heart rate data to expand endurance and maximize performance. 

That insight guides our proprietary Heart Rate Variability training methodology, allowing our athletes to become masters of endurance. 



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Neurokinetics  is where physics, kinesiology. and biomechanics converge.  Our unique training approach activates and engages muslce groups to work together in precisely the ways they need to in competition.  In your specific sport.  Even at your specific position.

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Grounded in demonstrable results and meticulously collected data, our mental fitness training teaches athletes to understand the connection between thought patterns and results, and to use their minds to help their bodies perform at maximum effectiveness.  

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Intelligent Recovery is a key part of how we transform athletic performance. Using State-Of-The-Art equipment, in conjunction  with neurokinetic and heart rate data, recovery enables our athletes to train and perform at optimum levels, and to ensure progress continues along a healthy, measurable trajectory. 

First come,

First Transformed.

In as little as 8 weeks, Game Ready Performance can literally transform your athletic performance.


That’s not an introductory special, or some crazy limited time offer to get you to sign up. 


It’s a statistical assessment based on data from over 1000 athletes, ages 10 to pro. Conveniently, it also happens to be the length of Phase 1 of our program. 


It’s during this phase that we address muscle imbalances and deficiencies.  We start teaching you the art of Heart Rate Mastery. And we begin to recalibrate your movements and train your muscles to work as part of an integrated, coordinated system. 

These are the initial steps in the process we call Athletic Engineering.


To you, it will feel transformative. 

To us, it’s just the beginning.  


Actual Client Results. Names redacted to maintain privacy

And while we can't promise you a date when you'll suddenly recognize your transformation, we can guarantee one thing: 

The sooner you have your evaluation,

the sooner you'll start seeing results..

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Our Team


The Game Ready Performance Family includes certified Athletic Engineers, trainers, and support and scheduling staff all of whom are current or former elite, college, or professional athletes. We are led by Founder Jackie Guerra.

Jackie Guerra


Performance Specialist

Trainer. Author. Researcher. Data Scientist. Specialist in the fields of: 


• Biomechanics

• Heart-Rate Variability Training

• Agility

• Strength and Conditioning.  


But what truly makes Jackie so extraordinary is her unique ability to inspire and empower her athletes towards profound physical and mental transformations.  


Jackie is also an elite athlete herself, with a Big Ten Women's Soccer Championship and an appearance in the 2011 Women's World Cup to her credit.



Follow Jackie

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Hermosa Beach, CA 90254


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Professional athleted development

Game Ready Performance  307 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

(310) 602-9659

© 2023 Game Ready Performance

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